Arul Patmose

Software Engineer

Web Developer

Mobile App Developer

Graphic Designer


Social Media Expert

Arul Patmose

Software Engineer

Web Developer

Mobile App Developer

Graphic Designer


Social Media Expert

Lakmini Cake School

  • Client: Lakmini Cake School
  • Year: September 2023

This logo was designed for Lakmini Cake School that teaches students the skills they need to create beautiful and delicious cakes. The logo features a stylized cake slice with a piping bag and star tip. The colors are bright and inviting, and the overall design is playful and creative.

The girl holding a cake represents the Lakmini Cake School‘s focus on cake design, while the toppings and decorations symbolize the creativity and artistry that students will learn. The bright colors are meant to evoke feelings of joy and excitement, while the playful design is meant to appeal to the school’s target audience of aspiring cake designers.

This logo is a strong visual representation of the school’s mission and values. It is also a memorable and eye-catching design that will help the school stand out from the competition.